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“Out of the Darkness, Into the Light” is a practical guide of self-discovery.

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Rhonda is available for speaking events, both online and in-person.



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Wel.come, my friend...

I’m so incredibly excited to take this journey of awakening with you!

There’s nothing more that I desire, than for people to awaken from the Egotistical Programmed Mind, that has convinced us that; we are these mere mortals, when in fact we are Divine Spiritual Beings with supernatural abilities.

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Online Courses


Triple A’s Will Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit

One of the things that is really helping my students to heal their mind-body-spirit is what I call “The Triple A’s” Acknowledge – Accept – Allow I find that all of us are tormented sub-consciously by our egotistical programmed mind, because it’s constantly causing us to: ignore, resist or repress the painful truth about our …

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Warning: Awakening Path Ahead

After many years of guiding people through the inner healing, and the dissolving of their ego, I’ve watched them not only experience freedom from fear, but enter a peace that passes all understanding! They also become very confident, and empowered, and as a result I watch them leave! They leave things such as: their current …

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The Secret To Getting Healthy and Fit

Spring is in the air, and for many people it’s a reminder to really start focusing on getting healthy and fit. After all summer is just around the corner. What Do We Need To Do As crazy as this may sound, knowing how to get healthy and fit is the easy part. Here is the …

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Success Stories

Before I met Gypsy my ego ran my life. I didn’t know it but my ego was always telling me I should worry about being judged, not being good enough, not belonging, not being accepted. As Gypsy helped me pull off the layers of my ego and start to understand my true self of light and love, my life became more peaceful and joyful!”


I have been seeing Rhonda for over 5 years now and it has been quite a journey! I had a lot of healing that needed to take place and a strong urge to grow and be free from competitive, judgmental and destructive behaviors. It took me a minute, but understanding your True Identity as a Spiritual Being and not your body or thoughts is a game changer. I’m much more at peace and free than I was previous to meeting Rhonda. I have pretty clear goals to help bring encouragement and love to those I meet and Rhonda has helped me on this journey immensely.”

-David W.

I began working with Gypsy Spirit when I was ready to exit a very abusive relationship and she helped me uncover all the lies I was believing, replacing them with healing truth about my true identity as one with Christ. This gave me the courage to finally leave. Gypsy helped me see that God is not over there somewhere, but within me, present always. Most importantly, Gypsy taught me how to love and forgive, and to see others as their true spark, true light, even beneath all of their fear. Gypsy completely altered my trajectory, and I will never be the same, I only keep growing in faith and love every day, able to free myself from limiting beliefs and to be the true love and light that I am at my core.”


Rhonda has been the main rock in my life for many years now. Her guidance but most importantly her friendship has been a tremendous role in my physical, mental and emotional healing. Her support and guidance has helped me create a stronger relationship with the Lord and helped me understand who I am in Christ. Rhonda has helped me overcome many obstacles from divorce to cancer to financial hardship. She has helped me when I was at my lowest and stayed by my side as I grew and flourished. She’s always there for me. I strive to be the same type of friend to her as she is to me. Her wisdom, guidance, strength and peace is a true gift.”

Sherry J.