Blog Archives: February 2016


It’s Not Ok!

My passion and dream is to see a million people delivered from obesity.  It’s not ok that humanity has been robbed of their hopes, dreams and purpose! ...

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The Path To Healing

It had been a wonderful weekend visiting my son and his girlfriend up in Redding, CA.  However I wasn’t looking forward to the 10hr. drive home and I ...

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It Starts In The Heart

I was going to write all about “how to eat healthy” when I began to be overcome with emotion, knowing that is where we have gone wrong. We just want...

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We Say Enough is Enough

We have this huge mountain before us called disease, sickness and obesity where giants dwell. The giant governmental funded GMO companies, the giant pharmaceuti...

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Don’t Let The Scale Dictate Your life!

When I started my healing journey,  just like you, I wanted desperately to lose weight, get healthy and to even have a toned body!  So I began to research ...

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When I Look At You…

There have been hundreds of amazing people that God has brought in my life.  I’ve met them in my office for weeks, months and some times years. I’...

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Our Love Affair With The Donut…

If you’re an American than chances are you have some sort of love affair with the donut.  For most of us the donut brings back memories of feeling loved...

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Changing Our Perspective

  My mission in life is to help people change their perspective.  Changing our perspective about food, relationships, God, people, exercise etc. will chan...

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You Can Do It!

It’s truly amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it!  If you would have told me a year ago that I would stop eating sugar, dairy and fried food...

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How Can We Know Our Purpose?

Many people are plagued with these nagging questions every day:  “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” We’ve been told “G...

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