Blog Archives: March 2016

Good News About Consequences…

God gave us everything we need to be healthy and free in our Mind-Body-Spirit.  If we think the way he told us to think (throwing out prideful thoughts and re...

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When I have my first meeting with a client I ask them “on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how ready and willing are you to get healthy?  They alm...

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Seed Is Life Giving…

I often use the phrase “If it came from a plant eat it, if it was made in a plant don’t eat it!” I would like to change that a bit and say &#...

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Think About Your Journey Every Day!

Five years ago my exercise of choice was power walking.  During my hour long walk I spent time talking to God, actually begging God to heal me from any disease...

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Our Tribe…

Tribe defined by the Oxford dictionary is: A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social economic, religious...

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How Do You Stay Married For 25yrs?

We all want some secret formula or method that we can use to live happily ever after! The truth is, no ones journey is ever simple and easy!  Back in 2000 we...

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Raising Kids To Be Great Adults!

We all have our opinions as to how to raise a child!  But the opinion that matters is God’s! I hear people say all the time, “children don’t...

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Life Lessons From Daycare

For 10 years I ran a licensed Child Care Business from my home.  The life lessons these children taught me are something I hope to always remember and live out...

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It’s Time To Dream Big!

What stops us from dreaming big?  Stress, fear, worry, doubt, sin, and life experiences, can block our dreams! It requires faith to dream big and all negativ...

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It’s All About The Heart

While talking to an acquaintance last night, the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask her “How’s your heart?”  It took a moment for her to sea...

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