Blog Archives: April 2022

Generation X is The Catalyst of Awareness

The desire of the Devine or Creator is that we find the love that we are, and extend it to creation. We incarnate into bodies for the purpose of lessons to be l...

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Awareness Trumps Perspective!

When we are unaware that we have a two part egotistical mind, we can tend to believe our perspectives are of utmost importance. However, when we realize that on...

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Depression Trap

Laying on my couch yesterday with absolutely no energy, just wanting to sleep or binge watch Netflix, I asked myself how I got here. It seemed as though everyth...

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Deconstruction Is Just The Beginning

Leaving the Christian community 4 years ago was a result of “Undoing” all damage that the egotistical mind had created. It simply started with ̶...

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Shifting Into Marriage Bliss

“A great relationship is all about falling in love with the same person over and over again.” Up until now, I’ve never really understood why w...

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Easter Is The Great Awakening

The cross is a symbol of dualism/separation or believing we are a body! The Course in Miracles says, “The cross is the perfect symbol of conflict between ...

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Equanimity is The Key!

Continually living in acceptance, acknowledgement and awareness of the egotistical mind and not giving into it’s fear or anger, but rather being the obser...

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Would You Marry Me Again?

As my husband and I finished watching the Netflix series “Ultimatum,” (A show about couples who have one partner that wants to get married and the o...

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