Blog Archives: May 2022

The Path Less Traveled

As an eternal Spiritual Being of light/love, we incarnate into a body or we can also say we go to sleep, forgetting what we are and begin having human experienc...

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Don’t Quit Before The Miracle Happens

As long as I can remember, I’ve known that I can change reality with my mind. Meaning that when I was having a conversation with someone or just sitting q...

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Salvation From Hell Is To Let Go of The Role!

It’s embarrassing to admit, but after living in our home for 21 years we are finally turning our unfinished backyard of dirt, into a beautiful oasis. Yep ...

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How To Reap An Abundant Life!

The ego would have us believe that we can do nothing and nothing will happen. But the truth is, nothing stays the same! Everyday we are sowing whether we know i...

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