Blog Archives: September 2022

There’s Got To Be A Better Way!

One of the hardest, but most freeing lessons I’ve had to learn as a counselor/therapist – ultimately a Spiritual Guide, is that I am not for everyon...

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The Identity Journey Is Interesting!

July 2019 I wrote a blog titled Blazing A Trail Out of The Church! It was my journey of leaving my life/identity behind as a Christian Leader to pursue my onene...

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Happiness Is Found In Our True Identity

Identity is the foundation of everything in this dream life and eternally! As the Bible says we (spiritual beings) are seated in Heavenly places! As A Course In...

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We Don’t Have A Sin Nature, We Have An Ego!

Let’s face it, identity is everything! Who or rather what we believe we are, is how we will live our life! For those of us who have walked the Christian p...

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The Root Of Dis-ease Is Fear

Being a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant I’m all for eating real organic food, staying away from packaged processed foods, supplementing, drink...

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What Are You?

The foundation of our belief system and how we live is rooted in the ego’s question of “What are you?” Everyone desires to know what they are ...

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