Blog Archives: November 2022

If Only I Knew…

Many of us carry regrets from our past, wishing we knew something that would have prevented us from suffering. We buy into this belief that to avoid suffering, ...

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Charging up the credit card, spending what I wanted, refusing to live on a budget, because I didn’t care about the consequences. Over indulging in junk fo...

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Pain or Peace? You Choose!

I’ve come to realize that in moments of great stress and anxiety, it’s really hard for most people to pause-breathe and process what they are feelin...

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Peace Is Found In Alignment

We hear all the time, “set an intention for your day, week, month and year.” This is what we might call “New Years Resolutions!” Anyone ...

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How Do We Know Our Purpose?

We’ve all had very painful, maybe even traumatic experiences! These experiences create within us, feelings in which we abhor that hurtful thing, be it: ly...

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