Blog Archives: December 2022

How To Have Peaceful Relationships

The biggest mistake I’ve made, is to want someone to be something they are not! The greatest freedom is to let people be who they are! This revelation cam...

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Half Assery

Pushing through the egotistical thoughts/feelings of “Half Assery” we find our freedom! I didn’t know that deep cleaning my home would have su...

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Christmas Redefined

As a child, Christmas was an extraordinary time of year, as my mom made sure to make it really special with; a living room filled with gifts, overflowing stocki...

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Bad Assery or Half Assery You Choose!

True peace, joy and happiness only come from Bad Assery! This is because Bad Assery is what we are! Bad Assery is knowing what we should do and then making our ...

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Freedom Bubble

I would say one of the most common statements I hear from people is; “It’s annoying when they did this!” or “It’s annoying when th...

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Who’s Making The Effort and Why?

Why is it so easy in a new relationship to put in the effort? In fact it doesn’t even seem like we have to make a conscious effort to take initiative, we ...

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No Private Thoughts!

With nearly 800,000 people dying by suicide in the world each year, more and more of us are being affected by it. When a famous person takes their life, we hear...

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Motivation is Key!

A compelling sense of motivation is the most important ingredient for every intention that we set! It’s what we will turn back to over and over, to sustai...

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Awakening Is Dis-Identification With The Body/Mind!

I’m having these strange experiences where a familiar situation or life event, begins to play out and I have this recognition that in these circumstances ...

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