Blog Archives: February 2023

Clear Conscience vs. Guilt Conscience

Cheating on my husband early in our marriage, I had bought into the ego’s lie for many years that “you’ll be fine as long as you don’t g...

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I’m Questioning My Faith!

When I hear these four words; “I’m questioning my faith” from a new or returning client, I get very excited. Because I know what they are esse...

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3rd Dimension Is The World of Unawareness!

I’ve felt like I need to clearly explain what the 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensions are, so that we know where we are and where we are going. When we understand...

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Playing The Game of Life As Awareness!

In an effort to help my students know their True Identity as a Spiritual Being in the Divine, I’ve found that if I refer to their human self as an Avatar ...

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4th Dimension

In a previous post, I described the 3rd Dimension as a state of unawareness and being asleep! Therefore we can describe the 4th Dimension as a state of awarenes...

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