Blog Archives: March 2023

The Path Out of Pain and Suffering

There’s this egotistical drive inside each of us to rebel, to have the attitude of; “I’m going to do what I want to do!” and “You&...

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Oh How Wrong We Were!

It’s normal to leave Religion and to have egotistical thoughts and feelings of bitterness and resentment. To feel betrayed, led astray and deceived. It fe...

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Two Levels of Forgiveness

People say that; “God moves in mysterious ways, His plans are beyond our understanding.” But when we shed the ego and realize our oneness with the D...

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Religion Robbed Us of Our Identity

The greatest thing we can do in this life is to transcend our Egotistical Programmed Mind and to realize what we Truly are as a Divine Spiritual Being! The prob...

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The Voice In Our Mind

Christians call it the enemy and pray in an effort to get rid of it! Spiritualist’s call it the ego, and process it, in an effort to get rid of it! Psycho...

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Protecting Our Peace

Sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy afternoon here in a normally sunny California, I was working on my laptop, sending recap emails to my clients about their se...

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Remove The Ego Veil, So You Can Shine Brightly

When my son came out as gay, I was a Christian leader in a Charismatic Church. Even though I knew what Paul says in the book of Corinthians that; “homosex...

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Higher Dimensions of Consciousness

I spent 47 years in the 3rd Dimension, which is the dimension of being asleep or unaware of; what we as spiritual beings and the fact that we have an Egotistica...

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Solution To Tragedy

This week a 28 year old person, entered a private Christian School in Nashville Tennessee, opened fire and killed 3 adults and 3 children. When we hear of yet a...

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