Blog Archives: May 2023

Doing Away With Duality and Embracing The Collective Consciousness

The desire to unify dwells deeply within each of us. During my 33 years as a Christian, I held onto the hope and completely believed what I was being taught; th...

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Instant Gratification Addiction

We are very familiar with food and drug addictions, alcoholism, even shopping addictions. But to recognize an addiction to Instant Gratification Addiction is mu...

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Two Paths; Selfish Path vs. Unselfish Path

When I was a Christian for 33 years, I spent a great deal of time serving, whole heartedly believing it was fully for others. Little did I know my heart was inc...

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The World Is A Smoke Screen

The World is a smoke screen, an illusion keeping us distracted and busy believing we are a human. This sub-conscious programming is keeping us in the 3rd Dimens...

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The Awakening Is A Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis is the perfect analogy I use to teach my students about the Awakening/Enlightenment Process. Beyond this life we start out as a Spiritual Butt...

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5th Dimension and Meditation

As Jesus says in A Course In Miracles: “Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect oneness and the knowledge that there i...

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Dissolving Duality

In order for the world to shift into the 4th Dimension, there has to be a dissolution of duality. This is the belief that we are an Ego-Separate-Selfish-Self. I...

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Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell!

“Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell” is a 3rd Dimensional remedy, that keeps us in a People Pleasing Prison of hell. Heaven and happiness is k...

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