Blog Archives: June 2023

Relationships Are For Consciousness Not Happiness!

When we realize that we have an Egotistical Programmed Mind, we can live in awareness of it’s thoughts/feelings and do something about it, take charge of ...

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Discontentment Leads To Deconstruction

The path to Awakening and Enlightenment is a highly individualized journey. Even though there are thousands of Spiritual Teachers and ways to awaken, one thing ...

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Be Who You Are, Not Who The World Wants You To Be!

My expertise is the restoration of one’s True Identity in The Divine! When the egotistical veils are pulled back and the Spiritual Being begins to live in...

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The Secret

The Divine let me know a long time ago that I’m an Identity Theft Restorer; Teaching people what they truly are and their purpose in life in order to free...

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Religion vs. Spirituality! What’s The Difference?

The basic difference between Religion and Spirituality, is that Religion is founded on the belief that our identity is that of a sinful human nature. Spirituali...

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Traveling Transforms Us!

My family and I just returned from a 2 1/2 week vacation in Europe. Before we left for the trip, many people asked me to post pictures on social media. Therefor...

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