Blog Archives: August 2023


How To Be An Enlightened Being In The 3rd Dimension

This blog is for those who have gone through The Dark Night of The Soul. We’ve healed the trauma, shed all or most of the ego, grown spiritually and trans...

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What Would Jesus Do With The LGBTQ?

When I was a Christian in the 80’s we use to wear these bracelets that had the letters W.W.J.D. on them, which stood for “What Would Jesus Do?”...

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The Secret Path

There’s a path to freedom that most don’t know exists. It’s called The Awakening Path. In order to even know about the path, the person must come with an ...

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Know ThySelf

The very first thing I teach my students is that they are very powerful Spiritual Beings. In order for them to believe this, I have to bring to their attention ...

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I Left Christianity To Follow Christ!

The title of this blog sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s true! I left the Christian Church over 5 years ago and I find it interesting, that now that I’m mov...

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Social Media Is Not The Problem, Our Ego Is!

We’ve all heard about doing a Social Media Detox or taking a break from Social Media, as if it will cure us of our insatiable desire for it. But the truth is,...

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Earth School

The answer is found in our True Identity. If we think that the “I” we are talking about is our human body suit and Egotistical Programmed Mind (E.P.M.), we ...

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