
I’m thrilled to awaken with you.
Let’s find freedom, peace, and our divine
selves on this transformative journey.

Welcome my friend, I’m so incredibly excited to take this journey of awakening with you!

Although we may never meet in person, I’m here with you in spirit, whole heartedly believing you’ll find the freedom and peace you have been looking for.

There’s nothing more that I desire, than for people to awaken from the Egotistical Programmed Mind, that has convinced us that; we are these mere mortals, when in fact we are Divine Spiritual Beings with supernatural abilities.

This journey we are about to embark upon together, is what Dr. Wayne Dyer refers to as the Self Actualized life or what I know to be the 5th Dimension.


There’s basically two reasons most people set out on this journey of awakening;

The first reason may be; that we feel within our being that we were meant to do something different than most people, that we were designed for greatness, along with seeking to know our purpose.

The second reason is that; we’ve had some traumatic experiences, and have traveled a long, hard road. We’re tired of the pain and suffering that has brought us to what feels like; the end of our self.