Category: Uncategorized


Triple A’s Will Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit

One of the things that is really helping my students to heal their mind-body-spirit is what I call “The Triple A’s” Acknowledge – Accept...

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Warning: Awakening Path Ahead

After many years of guiding people through the inner healing, and the dissolving of their ego, I’ve watched them not only experience freedom from fear, bu...

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The Secret To Getting Healthy and Fit

Spring is in the air, and for many people it’s a reminder to really start focusing on getting healthy and fit. After all summer is just around the corner....

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Our Perspective of God, Jesus and The Bible Depend on Our Level of Consciousness

I’ve come to realize that our relationship with Jesus and our perspective of the Bible, actually changes as we heal, grow, transform and transition from 3...

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How To Move Out Of: “I Should,” To “I Will,” To “I Am!”

I have been helping people heal their Mind-Body-Spirit for about 8 years! The one thing I’ve never been able to do, is to figure out how to motivate some ...

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Breaking The Addiction To Thinking

                                                                               “I think therefore I am!” Des...

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Identifying As A Separate Self, Is Hell!

This is a conversation this week with Christ about the Separate Self! The Conversation Someone commented on one of my blogs: “Thanks for receiving and sha...

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Don’t Trust Your Beliefs! Only Trust Your Experiences!

After going through The Dark Night of The Soul and having my beliefs torn to pieces, I’ve resolved to only trust the experiences I’ve had with The D...

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We Can’t See The Programming Until We Stop Participating In It!

It’s a funny thing to be a trail blazer. We admire, respect and love those who don’t conform to the norm. We are inspired by those who show us there...

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Christians Don’t Have A Monopoly On Christ

Having been a Christian for 33 years, and then having the Holy Spirit wake me up at 2:22 am for 2 years for deconstruction of my beliefs, I was completely: humb...

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