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Higher Dimensions of Consciousness


I spent 47 years in the 3rd Dimension, which is the dimension of being asleep or unaware of; what we as spiritual beings and the fact that we have an Egotistical Programmed Mind. 33 years of that 3rd Dimension, was spent believing people are either sinners or saints, saved or unsaved, and basically good or evil. In other words in a dualistic/judgmental mind!

The Egotistical Programmed Mind (E.P.M.) is essentially a veil with a myriad of layers that’s in need of dismantling. When we receive the Key of Awareness, it often takes some spiritual guidance and a great deal of work, to heal the programming that has ruled our life. Once a vast majority of the veils have dissipated, we begin to realize that all there is; are Spiritual Beings operating at different levels of consciousness! In fact Awareness/Consciousness is what we are.

Levels Of Consciousness

Level 1 Elements; Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Level 2 Plants, Animals and Insects

Level 3 Unaware – Asleep Spiritual Beings believing we are the human body/mind

Level 4 Aware – Awakening to the Egotistical Programmed Mind and being a Spiritual Being-one with The Divine

Level 5 Actualizing or living in alignment as our Divine Self

To help my students separate from the E.P.M. I explain the Awakening Journey to be like having a Dream, or being in a Movie, in which we are all actors playing a role as a human character.

In order to enter the Dream/Movie called life, we had to agree to essentially forget what we Truly are as a Spiritual Being – that is in fact one with The Divine, and to instead identify as the human character we are playing. In order to awaken from this Dream/ Movie, we must be in a place where we have experienced enough pain and suffering as a human, that we are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to surrender this tormented mind.

The problem is; that we have identified with the character we see in the mirror for so long, that it’s hard to let it go of what we’ve always depended on for protection and comfort, and instead trust The Divine’s guidance. This is why baby steps are needed, such as simply being aware of the body/mind’s thoughts and feelings and then responding as our True Self, rather than reacting as the ego. Utilizing this Key of Awareness is the first step out of the 3rd Dimension, because we are separating our True Self from the False Self.

Although we can often feel alone on this awakening journey, we must be reassured that it’s true what Jesus said; “I will never leave you or forsake you.” The Divine has always been here giving us guidance and providing enlightened beings such as Jesus and other’s, who have used their lives to reveal to us what we Truly are.

With Easter just a few weeks away, I’m reminded that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was the demonstration that He could allow the illusionary body to be killed and still return in the Dream/Movie as His True Self. Proving that we are not these bodies.

In fact one of the first exercises Jesus gives us in A Course in Miracle, is to meditate on this phrase; “I am not a body, I am free I am as God created me!” His death on the cross wasn’t for the forgiveness of illusionary bodies in a Dream/Movie, but rather the key to Christ’s vision, which is to see past guilty bodies and know we are innocent Spiritual Beings – one with The Divine, asleep in a Dream/Movie.

Jesus says in the Easter Section in A Course in Miracles; ” You have the vision to look past all illusions. With your brother, your vision has become the greatest power for the undoing of illusion that God Himself could give. Your chosen home is on the other side, beyond the veil. You will not see it with the body’s eyes.”

When we drop the body (pass away) we transition to the other side of the veil. But we can also see and live beyond the veil while we are experiencing the Dream/Movie. This is the great awakening and the global shift into the 4th Dimension.

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of the 3rd Dimension and into the light of the 4th Dimension.