
First I show you how to heal… then I show you how powerful you are, so you can live a miraculously abundant life.

You are a Divine Being of Love, Light & Peace

In our first session together, I bring an awareness to your True Identity as a Divine Being of Love-Light-Peace, along with helping you to know that the trauma and painful experiences you went through, created a two part Egotistical Programmed Mind: The Fearful Victim and Angry Protector. I help you understand that whichever mindset is controlling you human self is how you will be: Either Loving and Peaceful or Fearful/Angry.

The next sessions are about learning to heal and dissolve the Egotistical Programmed Mind, using “Spiritual Heart Surgery”, which is 5 steps:

  1. Make a list of all the: Shame, Guilt, Regrets, Doubt, Worries, Fear, Anger, Un-forgiveness, Bitterness, Frustration etc. Then we pick one situation at a time and do Spiritual Heart Surgery.
  2. Write out the situation.
  3. Write out how it’s affecting you.
  4. Tap into your Inner Guidance and ask what the truth about the situation, yourself and the other person, write out what comes to mind.
    *Note: The Ego always speaks first, so push the negative thoughts out and dive deeper for the answers.
  5. With these truths, decided what you need to do about this situation: Forgive, Have a conversation, Dismiss it, etc.

Once you’ve done a great deal of healing, I begin to teach you how powerful you are, so you can live a miraculously abundant life.

I am also available for speaking engagements, group classes, and Zoom Classes!

Please fill out the form below to inquire about working with me: