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The Secret To Getting Healthy and Fit


Spring is in the air, and for many people it’s a reminder to really start focusing on getting healthy and fit. After all summer is just around the corner.

What Do We Need To Do

As crazy as this may sound, knowing how to get healthy and fit is the easy part.

Here is the magic formula

  1. Only eat between 10am – 6pm! We call this intermittent fasting. Then fast one day a week where you only drink water for 24 hours.
  2. During that eating period of 8 hours, eat mostly a plant based diet: Fruit, Veggies, Nuts/Seeds, Beans, and Brown Rice. You can occasionally eat some fish.
  3. Drink a lot of water: 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day.
  4. Supplement! Your body needs 90 vitamins and minerals everyday to function. I use Youngevity products.
  5. Detox! Use Infrared Saunas, Coffee Enemas, Mineral Salt Baths, Juicing etc.
  6. Exercise most days! Follow your Inner Guidance, not the ego to know what type of exercise to do.
  7. Sleep 8 hours a day!

There you have it, the formula to getting healthy and fit. Now we have to look at the root problem, the thing that is blocking us from doing these things.

Root Problem

The first thing we need to know, is that we are more than just a human being. We are very powerful Spiritual Beings. Most of our life, our human being (Avatar) is being controlled by the Egotistical Programmed Mind. This mind is very lazy and apathetic, it’s mostly concerned with being comfortable and experiencing instant gratification. It has little to no concern with the consequences of it’s actions or lack of action.

This is the thing that is blocking us from executing the Healthy and Fit Formula. Because it knows to do so would mean: self control, self discipline, and to give up using food for instant gratification or as a coping mechanism. In other words it means work.

Foundation of Getting Fit and Healthy

Therefore, before we try to implement the formula, we need to lay the foundation for success.

  1. Know that you are a Spiritual Being. This can be a simple as living in awareness of your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. When you are thrown out of peace; pause, breathe deeply several times, and speak truth to negative thoughts.
  2. Know that you have an Egotistical Programmed Mind. When you hear yourself say; “a part of me feels like this,” or even just words like: “I” “me” “my” etc. simply ask yourself “Who am I talking about, my true or false self?”
  3. Have a daily spiritual practice. Spend time each day, where you can get alone in a quiet space and check in with yourself. Ask yourself; “What’s bothering me?” then with the Divine, do Heart Surgery or Inner Healing with the truth. (Sign up on my website for a free copy of the chapter in my book that teaches Heart Surgery!”
  4. Meditate (Letting thoughts dissipate and experience stillness of mind.)
  5. Focus on Energy Healing: Positive thoughts, Grounding, Zen Music, Chakra Healing, LifeWave Patches, Vortexes etc.
  6. Practice Self Discipline, Self Control, continually tapping into your Inner Guidance as to know what to eat and not eat.
  7. Visualize with gratitude and knowing that your body is healthy and fit.

What I am proposing here is the process of taking back your life. There is nothing better than knowing what you Truly are, aligning you life with you True Identity, while living in control of your body/mind. Not only will the body reflect this new mindset, every aspect of your life will, especially your relationships.

If you need more help with this, you can email me a request for an: in person, FaceTime, or Zoom session.

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of the egotistical programmed mind and into the light of what they truly are as a Divine Being.