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Triple A’s Will Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit


One of the things that is really helping my students to heal their mind-body-spirit is what I call “The Triple A’s”

Acknowledge – Accept – Allow

I find that all of us are tormented sub-consciously by our egotistical programmed mind, because it’s constantly causing us to: ignore, resist or repress the painful truth about our situation.

Therefore we refuse to accept the fact that we have to walk through the pain in order to fully heal, and instead we allow the ego to give us it’s coping mechanisms to numb our pain.

This guidance from our ego, will keep us fearing and not trusting that in the end we are going to be ok.

Because of all of this, the ego causes us to procrastinate, by painting a painful picture of the outcome of the situation.

Utilizing “The Triple A’s”

Our first step in utilizing the “Triple A’s” is to acknowledge the truth, that we have fully bought into this fearful ego narrative.

Next we have to accept that we won’t find freedom and peace until we are willing to stop listening to the ego, and then do what we intuitively know what we should be doing, regardless of how: hard, scary and uncomfortable it is. This is often what we call inner healing.

The final step is to trust the Divine guidance that we are going to be ok no matter what happens, and to know that it will not be as bad as the ego has convinced us it will be. This puts us in a frame of mind to allow the situation to play out however it will.

We Are Here To Transcend The Ego

“The Triple A’s” method is really the perfect tool to navigate this dream life that we – Spiritual Beings, voluntarily signed up for.

Along with using “The Triple A’s” method for all difficult situations, it’s also helpful to know and or remember that we are here in this dimension at this time, to have human experiences that will give us opportunities to transcend the egotistical programmed mind, so we can transition into higher dimensions.

If we can think of life like a dream, play or video game, and know that we are the producers and the actors, then we can  understand that we have in fact created these experiences for our human Avatar, so we can resolve Karmic blockages!

We have carried these blockages throughout different life times, which have kept us from knowing what we truly are, the power we possess, and our oneness with the Divine and everyone.

With that being said, it is essential for our ascension, to tap into the Divine power within us, and run towards difficult experiences, trusting that our Inner Guidance will give us all we need to ultimately receive freedom and peace.

Gypsy Spirit