
Delve into my blog to uncover wisdom for self-discovery, healing, and a new path forward.

Warning: Awakening Path Ahead


After many years of guiding people through the inner healing, and the dissolving of their ego, I’ve watched them not only experience freedom from fear, but enter a peace that passes all understanding! They also become very confident, and empowered, and as a result I watch them leave!

They leave things such as: their current residence (often moving out of their town or state,) along with jobs, churches, communities, friendships, relationships, and often marriages. At first I was very perplexed about this, I mean after all, shouldn’t the dissolution of the ego lead to healing their relationships?

What I discovered is that for most of them, it was their ego that was veiling their value and worth, causing them to feel very insecure, as a result they settled and compromised, staying in: a place, relationship or situation where they did not really belong, because it was no longer conducive to what they truly are, or where they are headed.

I Left Too

While I was going through my own deconstruction and awakening process, I was a leader in a Charismatic church. I tried to stay and teach what I was learning, but the church had it’s own agenda, and awakening to knowing our oneness in Christ, is not one of them. After all we wouldn’t need the church anymore if that happened. So I left, not knowing where I was going or what I’d be doing, therefore I simply started teaching people, the way out of the darkness of the Egotistical Programmed Mind and into the light of what they truly are as a very powerful Divine Being.

Warning Awakening Path Ahead

I now feel like I should almost warn people, or hang a sign in my office that says;

“Warning: You are entering the awakening path, should you choose to do the hard work of inner healing, you will begin to realize that you have an Egotistical Programmed Mind, that has been controlling your life. Once a large portion of it is dissolved, you’ll awaken to what you truly are as a very powerful Divine Being of love and light. You will also realize your valve, worth and purpose. As a result you will leave something, someone, or some place, which will be a painful transformation and transition.”


As you set out on your own awakening journey, I want to also impart to you some encouragement, and that is; Even though the Awakening Path is hard, you will eventually align your life with what you truly are. This is the place of freedom, peace, joy and happiness.

This is the Kingdom of Heaven within you!

This is how we make it on earth as it is in heaven!

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of their egotistical programmed mind, and into the light of what they truly are as a Divine Being of love, light, freedom and peace.