
Delve into my blog to uncover wisdom for self-discovery, healing, and a new path forward.

You Can’t See The Forest For The Trees


We cannot know that we are spiritually asleep, until we have an awakening experience.

We can’t have an awakening experience, until we are willing to give up the ego that is keeping us asleep.

We can’t give up the ego, until we see our ego.

When I was faithfully attending and serving in church as a leader, desiring to help people, I had absolutely no idea that my intentions weren’t pure, and that I also had an egotistical agenda to feel special. It wasn’t until I was guided by Holy Spirit to take a step back from leadership, and then actually stepping back, that I saw my ego.

It wasn’t until I was guided by Holy Spirit to stop writing my book at my local Starbucks, where they know my name and make me feel special, and then actually leaving Starbucks, that I saw my ego.

When Jesus healed people, he basically used the same tactic over and over; He would tell the person that was seeking the healing, to do something, and then they received their healing.

John 9:7 To the blind man he said; “Go wash in the pool of Siloam!” So he went and washed and came back seeing.

Luke 17:14 To the lepers: “Go show yourselves to the priest” And as they went they were cleansed.

John 5:8 To the sick man; “Rise take up your bed and walk!” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked on the sabbath day!

Humility, Trust, Surrender and Obedience are a powerful combination!

Those who fully embrace and commit to this combination, see their ego and are able to be set free from the ego, often very quickly! For those who struggle to commit to this combination, they tend to remain in their ego, relentlessly trying to find their own way out of fear, pain and suffering.

The journey out of the ego typically consists of:

  1. Experiencing pain, suffering, and misery from trying to find happiness through our ego, we then set out on a journey, looking for a better way.
  2. The way (combination) is presented to us, but the ego convinces us that we’ll have to give up those things that make us happy. So we flounder a bit, until we are at our wits end, or have come to a place of desperation.
  3. Now we are really willing to humble ourself, trust the Divine Guidance, surrender our egotistical ways and accept the guidance.
  4. The hardest part is actually doing the inner work (Heart Surgery) but it is here that we see our ego and can do something about it.
  5. Now we are starting to know; what we truly are, what is keeping us asleep and we begin to awaken to life abundantly. Finally knowing our purpose, passion and God’s will, we set an intention to fearlessly live it out.

While we are unconsciously following the egotistical mind, we can’t see it. When we come to the end of ourself, with an open mind, willing to learn, then we are on the path to awakening.

Gypsy Spirit

Guiding people out of the darkness of their egotistical mind and into the light of what they truly are as a spiritual being, that was asleep!